This is DAESH (The Idiot State)
This is DAESH (The Idiot State)
Daesh (in Arabic) are the initials for ‘Dawla al-Iraq wa Shaam al-Islaami. [Islamic state of Iraq and Shaam(1) & in English termed as ISIS (2)] (3)
By Nerd of Islam
Shaykh Badr bin Muhammad al-Badr al-Anazi
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya
Daesh (in Arabic) are the initials for ‘Dawla al-Iraq wa Shaam al-Islaami. [Islamic state of Iraq and Shaam(1) & in English termed as ISIS (2)] (3)
- They do not know anything of Islaam except for the word ‘Islaam’, they are the most ignorant about Islaam.
- This misguided sect came from the Khawarij [4] al-Qa’ida movement, the grandchildren of Abdurahman bin Muljam. [The evil dog who assassinated Ali RadhiAllaahu anhu]
- The al-Qa’ida movement was the mother whilst Daesh and Jabha an-Nusrah are the children.
- The children (ISIS) have begun making Takfeer [5] of each other and killing each other as was the condition of their forefathers , the Najdaat and the Azaariqa who made Takfeer of each other and killed each other.
- So the children (ISIS) repeated the history of their fathers in making Takfeer, treachery and cheating. Moreover the children – meaning Daesh – have even more extreme exaggeration than their forefathers.
- The Khawarij of old used to make Takfeer of those who committed major sins. As for Daesh and those similar to them make Takfeer of both, those who commit major and minor sins!!!
- When they make Takfeer of one of the Muslims they ‘declare his blood, wealth and honor lawfully to be taken.’
I have been informed from the trustworthy people of Shaam:
That if Daesh make Takfeer of someone:
– they carry out capital punishment for apostasy by being shot to death.
– they take his wealth as spoils of war for the stockpile reserves for the Muslims.
– they take the women folk of Shaam as slaves and they carry out lewd acts on them, with the argument that these women are what the right hand possess.
– it has also been affirmed that they carry out pedophilia with the children of the Muslims and refuge with Allaah is sought.
– they are filthier than the Jews and Christians and more defiled than the saliva of dogs.
The Khawarij swear allegiance with the Shia against the people of Sunnah:
– when the Khawarij rebelled against the rightly guided Khalifa Uthmaan bin Affan – RadhiAllaahu anhu – there was with them Abdullaah bin Saba a senior from the Shia and along with some of those people who came from the land of Yemen, they entered along with the Khawarij and killed Uthmaan -RadhiAllaahu anhu.
Today this is Daesh which takes oaths of allegiance with the Shia Nusayreeya.
– they fight against the people of Sunnah in the land of Shaam; they have no mercy upon the young, or old, or those of intellect, nor the insane, or a woman or a baby.
– they display the dead bodies of the Muslims and set fire to them.
– the Hadeeth mentions: ‘The Prophet – alayhi salat wa sallam – prohibited mutilation and displaying the dead body.’
– it is affirmed from the Messenger – alayhi salat wa sallam:
‘When he would appoint a leader, he would advise him with having Taqwa of Allaah. He would say to them go to battle, do not be treacherous, do not mutilate and display the body, do not kill a woman, old person nor a child.’
The Khawarij hate the leaders of the Muslims and they make Takfeer of them:
– the Khawarij were not pleased with the authority of the Amir al – Mumineen Ali bin Abi Talib -RadhiAllaahu anhu.
– they broke their oath of allegiance. . . and they made Takfeer of him and those who were with him. . . .
– they waged war against him and they killed him treacherously when he came out to pray the Fajr prayer.
This is Daesh
– ‘they make Takfeer of the rulers of the Muslims.’
– ‘they make their blood lawful to take.’
– ‘rather they make Takfeer of everyone who opposes them from the Muslims.’
– ‘they wish to remove the Islaamic countries, because they do not view them as Islaamic countries, rather they view them as countries of disbelief. This was the ‘Aqeedah of the destructive Sayed Qutb, a leader of the Takfeeris (those who excommunicate Muslims) of the modern times.
- The Messenger of Allaah – alayhi salat wa sallam – said:
(یقتلون أھل الإسلام ویتركون أھل الأوثان)
‘They kill the people of Islaam and leave off the people who worship idols.’ - The forces of Daesh try to wipe out the Muslims in the country of Shaam whilst the Muslims say La ilaha illa Allaah.
- Just like the forefathers of Daesh did so when they killed the Muslims in Basara; they killed Abdullaah bin Khabbab bin al-Araat [6] and threw him in a river. Then they cut open his wife’s belly and took out the baby and threw him in the river as well.
- They would cut off the highways in Basra, kill the Muslim and let go the Christian.
- The Messenger of Allaah – alayhi salat wa sallam – said :
(لزوال الدنیا أھون عند الله من قتل مسلم بغیر حق)
‘The whole of the Dunyaa being destroyed is lesser to Allaah than unlawfully killing a Muslim.’
The Daesh forces:
○ The Daesh forces consist of a number of nationalities from different countries, from them:
– the people of Morocco, they are the extremist of the people in excessively making Takfeer.
– the people from Iraq and they are those who carry out killings, looting, plundering and crucifixion.
– those from the people of the Arabian Gulf carry out suicide operations.
– those from Chechneya are war commanders in Daesh.
– those from the people of Sham from the Baith party are spies and traitors. They inform Daesh of the homes of Syrians so they can kill them.
This is some of what I have heard about this misguided sect, dogs of the Hell fire. I ask Allaah Ta’ala to hasten their destruction.
Written by Shaykh Badr Muhammad al-Badr al-Anazi
[Taken from]
[1] The regions of Syria, Jordan Palestine etc.
[3] For Further clarification 7 analysis see:
[4] The description of the Khawarij:
Narrated by Zaid bin Wahb al-Juhani who reported: That he was amongst the army which was with Ali -Radhi Allaahu anhu and which went out against the Khawarij. Ali -Radhi Allaahu anhu- said:
‹O people, indeed I heard the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- say:
«There would arise from my Ummah a people who would recite the Qur’aan, and your recital would seem insignificant compared with their recital, as would your prayer as compared with their prayer, and your fast, as compared with their fast. They would recite the Qur’aan thinking that it supports them, whereas it is an evidence against them. Their prayer does not get beyond their throats..[Bukhari]
[5] Excommunicating Muslims and placing them outside the fold of Islaam.
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